Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670

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Sagittal PD

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Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670

Sagittal PD fat sat

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Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670

Axial PD fat sat

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Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670

Coronal PD fat sat

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Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670

Coronal T1

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Radiopaedia case Subchondral insufficiency fracture - knee id: 67293 study: 76670