Category:Radiopaedia cases by Ammar Ashraf
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- Author: Ammar Ashraf
This category has the following 200 subcategories, out of 340 total.
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- Radiopaedia case 148051 Subgaleal lipoma
- Radiopaedia case 148063 Os subtibiale
- Radiopaedia case 148379 Skull vault hemangioma
- Radiopaedia case 148681 Gigantomastia with breast lipoma
- Radiopaedia case 148794 Gastric lymphoma
- Radiopaedia case 148979 Colocolic intussusception due to mucinous carcinoma of the colon
- Radiopaedia case 148997 Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma
- Radiopaedia case 149205 Amyand hernia with acute appendicitis
- Radiopaedia case 149244 Trichilemmal cyst
- Radiopaedia case 149545 Epidermoid cyst
- Radiopaedia case 149626 Giant cell tumor
- Radiopaedia case 149937 Primary testicular lymphoma
- Radiopaedia case 150275 Subhepatic appendicitis
- Radiopaedia case 150278 Peripelvic cysts and hydronephrosis
- Radiopaedia case 150292 Testicular mixed germ cell tumor
- Radiopaedia case 150846 Trichilemmal cyst
- Radiopaedia case 150849 Lipoma
- Radiopaedia case 150940 Gigantomastia
- Radiopaedia case 151117 Crossed fused renal ectopia
- Radiopaedia case 152069 Dacryocystocele
- Radiopaedia case 153765 Follicular thyroid adenoma
- Radiopaedia case 153768 Hashimoto thyroiditis
- Radiopaedia case 154034 Testicular yolk sac tumor
- Radiopaedia case 154114 Persistent metopic suture
- Radiopaedia case 155276 Gallbladder dysfunction
- Radiopaedia case 155283 Normal ejection fraction of the gallbladder
- Radiopaedia case 155460 Type IV left renal vein
- Radiopaedia case 155546 Retroaortic left renal vein - type I
- Radiopaedia case 155831 Hurthle cell thyroid cancer
- Radiopaedia case 156196 Retroaortic left renal vein - type II
- Radiopaedia case 156241 Circumcaval ureter - type 1
- Radiopaedia case 156315 Adenomatoid tumor of the scrotum
- Radiopaedia case 156392 Primary renal lymphoma
- Radiopaedia case 156767 Graves disease
- Radiopaedia case 156955 Ovarian mucinous cystadenofibroma
- Radiopaedia case 157476 Adrenal cortical carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 157591 Hashimoto thyroiditis
- Radiopaedia case 157737 Unilateral renal agenesis
- Radiopaedia case 158062 Anterior communicating artery aneurysm with subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Radiopaedia case 158287 Unilateral renal agenesis
- Radiopaedia case 158295 Complete hydatidiform mole
- Radiopaedia case 158322 Osteosarcoma
- Radiopaedia case 158513 Lepidic-predominant adenocarcinoma of the lung
- Radiopaedia case 158682 Pelvic kidney
- Radiopaedia case 158746 Dromedary hump
- Radiopaedia case 158910 Subgaleal hematoma with orbital extension
- Radiopaedia case 159085 Gigantomastia
- Radiopaedia case 159154 Bilateral accessory breast tissue
- Radiopaedia case 159186 Persistent metopic suture
- Radiopaedia case 159211 Skin calcifications in the breast
- Radiopaedia case 159231 Skull bone fracture and mimics
- Radiopaedia case 159550 Calyceal diverticulum
- Radiopaedia case 159620 Air bronchograms on ultrasound
- Radiopaedia case 159725 Urethral stricture with prior hypospadias repair
- Radiopaedia case 159728 Trichilemmal cyst
- Radiopaedia case 160020 Simple pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM)
- Radiopaedia case 160172 Skull bone fracture mimic
- Radiopaedia case 160335 Moderate pectus excavatum
- Radiopaedia case 160643 Trichilemmial cyst
- Radiopaedia case 160644 Male breast cancer
- Radiopaedia case 160740 L1 spinous process osteochondroma
- Radiopaedia case 161021 Idiopathic granulomatous mastitis
- Radiopaedia case 161679 Malpositioned umbilical catheters
- Radiopaedia case 164203 Testicular mixed germ cell tumor
- Radiopaedia case 164227 Intrascrotal extratesticular epidermoid cyst
- Radiopaedia case 164252 Ductal carcinoma in situ
- Radiopaedia case 164259 Chromophobe renal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 164328 Joubert syndrome related disorders (JSRD)
- Radiopaedia case 164514 Lunotriquetral coalition
- Radiopaedia case 164515 Amiodarone deposition in the liver
- Radiopaedia case 164518 Os supratalare
- Radiopaedia case 164661 Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
- Radiopaedia case 164666 Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
- Radiopaedia case 164818 Testicular seminoma
- Radiopaedia case 164828 Testicular seminoma
- Radiopaedia case 165017 Pontocerebellar hypoplasia
- Radiopaedia case 165022 Castleman disease
- Radiopaedia case 165183 Testicular seminoma
- Radiopaedia case 165300 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia with testicular adrenal rest tumor (TART)
- Radiopaedia case 165380 Unicameral bone cyst with fracture - femur
- Radiopaedia case 165385 Testicular embryonal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 165533 Left-sided IVC with azygos continuation and retroaortic right renal vein
- Radiopaedia case 165622 Oppenheimer ossicle
- Radiopaedia case 165989 Papillary renal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 166168 Papillary renal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 166169 Papillary renal cell carcinoma-type 1
- Radiopaedia case 166335 Papillary renal cell carcinoma-type 2
- Radiopaedia case 166563 Osteochondroma of scapula
- Radiopaedia case 166567 Antiphospholipid syndrome with adrenal insufficiency
- Radiopaedia case 166795 Clear cell renal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 166849 Emphysematous cystitis
- Radiopaedia case 166853 Emphysematous pyelitis and pyelonephritis
- Radiopaedia case 166920 Ileal atresia
- Radiopaedia case 166931 Ileal atresia
- Radiopaedia case 167016 Ileal atresia
- Radiopaedia case 167041 Ileal atresia
- Radiopaedia case 167064 Neonatal bowel obstruction - post-surgical stenosis
- Radiopaedia case 167152 Colonic stricture-post necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
- Radiopaedia case 167195 Cerebral venous thrombosis-post-traumatic
- Radiopaedia case 167483 Orbital dermoid - superficial
- Radiopaedia case 167494 Internal angular orbital dermoid cyst - fluid density
- Radiopaedia case 167586 Epidermoid cyst
- Radiopaedia case 169306 Partially deflated reservoir of inflatable penile prosthesis
- Radiopaedia case 169458 Infantile hemangioma
- Radiopaedia case 169647 Severe pectus excavatum
- Radiopaedia case 169657 Peripelvic cysts
- Radiopaedia case 169994 Ovarian seromucinous borderline tumor (SMBT) and serous cystadenoma
- Radiopaedia case 170139 Solitary bone plasmacytoma
- Radiopaedia case 170698 Pelvic organ prolapse
- Radiopaedia case 171146 Synchronous ipsilateral pRCC of the kidney and TCC of the renal pelvis
- Radiopaedia case 171166 Over-the-scope-clip (OTSC)
- Radiopaedia case 171221 Recurrent anterior abdominal wall hernia with bowel obstruction
- Radiopaedia case 171233 Laparoscopic port site hernia with small bowel obstruction
- Radiopaedia case 171445 Adenocarcinoma of the cecum
- Radiopaedia case 171462 Small bowel carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 171518 Odontoid fracture and incudomalleolar disruption
- Radiopaedia case 171524 Acute appendicitis and small bowel GIST
- Radiopaedia case 171571 Esophageal perforation
- Radiopaedia case 171580 Anterior abdominal wall hernia
- Radiopaedia case 171858 Antiperspirant artifacts on mammogram
- Radiopaedia case 171908 Adenocarcinoma of the duodenum
- Radiopaedia case 172105 Skull vault osteoma
- Radiopaedia case 172255 Crossed renal ectopia
- Radiopaedia case 172277 Cystitis cystica
- Radiopaedia case 172328 Ovarian serous cystadenoma
- Radiopaedia case 172332 Anterior nasal spine fracture
- Radiopaedia case 172350 Testicular epidermoid cyst
- Radiopaedia case 172412 Intramuscular lipoma - latissimus dorsi
- Radiopaedia case 172664 Renal vein thrombosis
- Radiopaedia case 172723 Bilateral renal vein thrombosis
- Radiopaedia case 172861 Chest wall lipoma
- Radiopaedia case 172864 Parathyroid adenoma
- Radiopaedia case 173467 Urothelial carcinoma with squamous differentiation
- Radiopaedia case 173895 Retropharyngeal lymph nodes
- Radiopaedia case 176244 Nasal pyogenic granuloma (lobular capillary hemangioma)
- Radiopaedia case 176677 Trichilemmal cyst
- Radiopaedia case 177043 Congenital high airways obstruction syndrome (CHAOS)
- Radiopaedia case 177059 Occipital spur
- Radiopaedia case 177397 Gynecomastia
- Radiopaedia case 177412 Gynecomastia
- Radiopaedia case 178489 Congenital high airways obstruction syndrome (CHAOS)
- Radiopaedia case 178683 Beaver tail liver
- Radiopaedia case 179848 Unilateral anterior cerebral artery (A1 segment) aplasia
- Radiopaedia case 180093 Riedel lobe
- Radiopaedia case 180113 Aplastic right A1 and bilateral fetal posterior communicating arteries on MRA
- Radiopaedia case 180217 ACOM and right M1 fenestrations
- Radiopaedia case 180336 Warthin tumor
- Radiopaedia case 180603 Warthin tumor
- Radiopaedia case 181066 Testicular mixed germ cell tumor
- Radiopaedia case 181159 Cornuate navicular
- Radiopaedia case 181441 Esophageal atresia with distal tracheoesophageal fistula
- Radiopaedia case 70606 Ingested fish bone with sealed duodenal perforation
- Radiopaedia case 72437 Traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Radiopaedia case 72582 Celiac disease
- Radiopaedia case 72763 Testicular seminoma
- Radiopaedia case 72874 Ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Radiopaedia case 75711 Liposclerosing myxofibrous tumor
- Radiopaedia case 76359 Pilomatricoma
- Radiopaedia case 76400 Non-ossifying fibroma (NOF)
- Radiopaedia case 76707 Butterfly glioma
- Radiopaedia case 76853 Telangiectatic osteosarcoma (TOS)
- Radiopaedia case 76876 Small bowel lymphoma
- Radiopaedia case 76941 Brachymetatarsia
- Radiopaedia case 76943 Low-grade chondrosarcoma
- Radiopaedia case 76985 Freiberg infraction
- Radiopaedia case 77305 Malignant mixed Mullerian tumor of the uterus
- Radiopaedia case 77310 Bronchogenic cyst
- Radiopaedia case 77390 Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm
- Radiopaedia case 77492 Multiple myeloma
- Radiopaedia case 77493 Primary CNS lymphoma
- Radiopaedia case 77494 Enostosis
- Radiopaedia case 77587 Amiodarone deposition in the liver
- Radiopaedia case 77834 Desmoid-type fibromatosis
- Radiopaedia case 77837 Pulmonary hamartoma
- Radiopaedia case 77894 Hemochromatosis with hyperdense liver
- Radiopaedia case 77897 Prostaglandin-induced cortical hyperostosis
- Radiopaedia case 78325 Left-sided superior vena cava
- Radiopaedia case 78331 Ischemic colitis
- Radiopaedia case 78439 Closed-loop small bowel obstruction-internal hernia
- Radiopaedia case 78572 Solitary bone metastasis - initial presentation of renal cell carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 78681 Glioblastoma NOS
- Radiopaedia case 78687 Glioblastoma - solitary ring enhancing lesion
- Radiopaedia case 78821 Cystic glioblastoma
- Radiopaedia case 78854 Stanford type B aortic dissection
- Radiopaedia case 78902 Cystic brain metastasis
- Radiopaedia case 79050 Hepatic neuroendocrine tumor
- Radiopaedia case 79132 Extranodal Rosai-Dorfman disease
- Radiopaedia case 79145 Vocal cord paralysis due to esophageal carcinoma
- Radiopaedia case 79149 Cerebral metastasis mimicking an abscess
- Radiopaedia case 79273 Metastatic adenocarcinoma of the lung
- Radiopaedia case 79336 Colloid cyst
- Radiopaedia case 79427 Chondrosarcoma
- Radiopaedia case 79453 Anterior abdominal wall CSF pseudocyst (CSFoma)
- Radiopaedia case 79459 Angiomatous meningioma
- Radiopaedia case 79483 Tuberculoma
- Radiopaedia case 79551 COVID-19 pneumonia
- Radiopaedia case 79571 Anaplastic oligodendroglioma
- Radiopaedia case 79736 Multicentric glioblastoma
- Radiopaedia case 79787 Type II right-sided aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery
- Radiopaedia case 79816 Small bowel lymphoma - ileum